Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Sex for Food

It is 3:00 AM and I just devoured a large bag of Doritios and inhaled a bottle of Mountain Dew. About an hour ago a gay man with a shaved head lured me with food from 7-11 to his place. The combination of six dollars in my pocket, a can of black beans at home, and nine days to stretch it out made the offer particularly appealing.

When we got there, he turned on the television and started a 1980's porno, and removed all his clothes. He had a nice body, but was so jumpy and nervous, I was not about to get undressed. I opened my drink and strolled through the small house.

The decorating was typical: a futon here, a couch there, a DNKY bottle on this, a photo of he and his boyfriend on that . . . .